Friday, March 12, 2010

Sometimes You Need A Good Chuckle...

Sometimes you need a good chuckle... That's when some of your brothers come up for supper and they tell you some funny stories. Today that's what happened and oh some stories were pretty funny. Everyone is talking about spring coming.

In the afternoon Meg, Tyrell, and I went for a walk to the spring. In the summer Jesse made a dugout and water was shooting up. We went to the creek where the spring is to see if the new spring dugout was full.

When we were walking back from the spring the cows and horses were behind us and the dogs and I don't think the cats were with us. When we got back from from the walk the fire went out so Megan put some catalogs on and some news paper and some wood.

You know catalog paper??? Well it doesn't burn really good... When Megan was out in her camper cleaning and Tyrell playing with his dogs, I got the fire started. It was so hard well okay not sooo hard but easy but then hard.

I went on my computer for a bit and then Mom and Dad arrived. They bought lots of groceries and so then we had to find a place for all the stuff. We didn't feel like cooking so Megan told Mom to buy some supper in town.

I cleared off the table for Mom to do her bread and I also finished vacuuming for Tyrell. I got 2 loads of snow and the pot is full to the brim. Later on I cooked some pizza's, bread, and some curly fries.

It was a delicious supper , we hardly have pizza and curly fries, so it was a treat. I think I am going to get ready for bed.

Kaylee and Reggie.

Just us kids

Its just us kids here with Megan. Dad and Mom had to go to town and she left us with our older sister. I finished all my chores she asked me to do and all the schoolwork I have to do is English and Math and then I am all done schoolwork.

It is very windy outside. This morning Megan was telling us how we should buy a kite because its such good weather. Yesterday we had a tiny little snow blizzard. Can you believe it was snowing yesterday!!!???

I am so sore from riding Moniet I don't think I will go riding today.... Lets just see how it goes shall we. Megan is making Banana Cake right now and Tyrell is outside playing with his dogs. This is going to be a very short entry so maybe tonight I will write longer one.

Kaylee and Reggie