Thursday, March 18, 2010

At Jesse's

We are at Jesse's showering, cleaning, and doing laundry. Today when I got up I let Reggie out for a walk and then came back in just going to have my breakfast. Dad called his Mom on the phone to say happy birthday and then we all said that and then Tyrell and I played Happy Birthday on
the piano and boy I sure can tell you that I was very VERY rusty on it.

Dad asked Grandma if we wanted to play a song for her and she said sure. Tyrell played his nice song and then it was my turn next. I played it and I was a bit rusty also. Dad said to Grandma that I just woke up so I was a bit wonky.

Later on we went to Jesse's place. I am going to cut my bangs that is if I could find some scissors. I did Jesse's dishes and boy was there lots so when he comes home he doesn't have to worry about washing. When I finished I played Halo with Tyrell and that gave me a headache so I stopped.

I played Hockey with Dad while Tyrell went and had a shower. I didn`t know how to play so Dad showed me the remote controls and guess what!!! It turns out that I beat him. 2 to nothing. I did pretty good considering that was my very first time playing it. I don`t want to toot my own horn or anything.

Right now I am watching Tyrell and Dad play hockey.

Kaylee and Reggie.

ps. I am going to go to town tomorrow so don`t get your hopes up to much for me writing. Ha ha talk to you later

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