Thursday, April 29, 2010
Just Starting My Friday Cleaning...
Yesterday I cleaned this whole house and I am planning on doing it again today. There is so much to be done here of spring cleaning. Mom is painting away and Megan is cleaning up the yard and the campground. Dad is building and I well I stay inside do housework and schoolwork.
Tyrell sometimes helps me do the dishe but most of the time he high tails it out of here so fast. I am going to bake some bread. Challah bread that the boys love. Every Friday night we make Challah bread. We braid it and then butter a non stick pan and then put it in the oven for us its a stove.
Well this is a very very short post I know but I promise I will a BIG post one of these days...
Kaylee and Reggie***
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
The Day Didn't Go As We Have Planned

Monday, April 26, 2010

I told her that it has been wiggly for a very very long time and I couldn't get it out. They had to take another x-ray on my my tooth because they wanted to know why it couldn't come out. And sure enough my long long root was wrapped around my adult tooth.
So Dr. Sevier gave me 4 needles to have my whole face was numb. It hurt so much I wanted to cry. The assistant was closing her eyes and she held my hand. Instead of me squeezing her hand she squeezed mine.

Friday, April 16, 2010
What A Wonderful Saturday

Thursday, April 15, 2010
Long Day
Today, Ty and I was supposed to wash dishes but instead he high tailed it so I was washing,drying, and putting the dishes away. Mom said that I could watch Heartland while I was washing dishes. I love watching Heartland. It is kinda a farm/ ranch movie. It is to hard to explain.
Later I heard out that I was going to go to town with Dad. Yup that's right another day in town. It was alright with me but I wanted to go and I wanted to stay. After lunch we headed out for town.
We arrived in town and we went to get a nice cool drink. It was defiantly spring today because it was +22 and oh was it HOT. We went and got some parts for the farm. For some reason that took a very long time.
I asked Dad if I Could go to the Dollar Store and he said yes. I asked him f he wanted a Popsicle or a fudgical. He wanted a fudgical and I wanted just something nice and cool. They didn't sell fudgical so I b ought a chocolate bar or what ever its called.
Dad thought it was sweet. He said it was abit to sweet so then he bought a bottle of water to drink it down. Mine was really good. It was kinda a mistake because we were just going to go grocery shopping but I had blue /white/red lips.
So I cleaned well tried to clean it off. I cleaned off some of it but not all. We bought some pizza's because we were going to go to Jesse's place to see the hockey game. I believe Vancouver Cunucks Vs. Los Angela's Kings.
We went grocery shopping and guess what! We forgot the list in the truck so we had to think on top of our heads. We got everything right. We had everything on the list, and alot more. You know how it is you see it you want it.
We arrived at Jesse's and I heated up the pizza's. I cleaned up alittle and I was going to do the dishes but no hot water. I did some laundry and Darcy asked me to do his laundry so I did. Jesse took some laundry that was in the wash and put it in a basket water and all!!!
Darcy and I cleaned and mopped the water up and I told Jesse and all he could do is just smirk and laugh. I folded up Darcy's laundry and I put it on the dryer for him. Right now I am just waiting for the dryer and washer to be done.
Kaylee and Reggie***

Wednesday, April 14, 2010
It Is Wednesday Again
YOU WILL NOT BELIEVE WHAT MOM JUST DID... SHE MADE A DENTIST APPOINTMENT ON THE 26TH IN APRIL. Just to have a check up and to see if we need braces. I personally don`t think I need braces but Mom said that she has a feeling that I do because she said that my teeth fang out.
We went home well to Jesse's because Dad is at Jesse's and Mom needed to put some bread and bagels in the freezers. Mom and Megan left for home and Tyrell and I stayed here with Dad... Nothing much besides doing laundry and cooking well I just heated up some pizza and curly fries in the oven... Signing out...

Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Spring Is In The Air
I did 4 and a half pages in science. I have papers stapled together and I am 3rd way done of step 1. Step one is for April and I am soon going to go onto May's Science. Tonight I will work on with my Social Studies ( which is also like science papers printed and stapled) and maybe some English.

Monday, April 12, 2010
Schoowork time
Tyrell and I did some schoolwork. I lost my science and my social studies. It is a printed papers with questions. And you would think living a small cabin you wouldn`t clean up as much and loosing stuff. Well guess not because that seems like we do dishes almost every other day.
I focused on some math and I needed Dad`s help to help me do long division. I like math but I have trouble sometimes with it. Later on Dad left and went outside to do the cows and doing farm stuff.
Later on I found my social studies and my science and some other book I lost apparently. Tyrell and I decided to surprise Mom by making the bed,clearing off the table, doing dishes,vacuuming and clearing off the island.
I just finished up vacuuming and right now I am done washing a load of dishes and now on the other part of the dishes. It is so clean in here I don`t want to even have a speck of dust in here. Yesterday you heard there was a party so there is lots of dishes. Although for eating cake and pie we used paper plates.
Well on to the next batch of dishes...
Kaylee and Reggie

Sunday, April 11, 2010
Birthday Party

Saturday, April 10, 2010
Peaceful Saturday
Tyrell's dogs " Shiloh and Caleb" always bites each other and wrestles its so funny to watch. And Caleb is just a puppy. When we have a camp fire Caleb comes and tries to bite the sparks. It is so funny its like a kid with bubbles but this time its a dog with sparks.
This morning we kinda cleaned up a little because Uncle Marv might be coming. Dad went on the Internet and found out that we can watch movies online. On CBC we can watch it there. We watched Heart land and it was nice. I haven't watched it for a very long time. An episode is an hour and we watched 2 episodes.
Later I went outside and rode my bike. In fact I have something to tell you. My old bike didn't work as well anymore the brake is broken at the back and I don't have working brakes and my seats chewed and there is so much I can tell but my fingers don't really want to type. I am forcing them to type.
Uncle Marv,Mic ( his grandchild) and Jesse came and it was so nice to see them again. We had some tea and some cookies. We went for a walk down to the spring and me,Jesse, and Mic walked together and the rest walked behind us.
We arrived back home and I made a fire again. A few hours went by again and I made some hot dogs and some smokies filled with cheese. Right now Jesse, Uncle, mic and Darcy left and right now I am sitting here going to watch the Walton's.
Kaylee and Reggie***

Friday, April 9, 2010
Chocolate Chip Cookies
I was bike riding to day and I was kinda tired afterwards. I guess you could say I crashed because my brake didn't work so I was racing with my self and I hit the post by the horse pen and I wiped out totally. Tomorrow lets just hope I'm not sore...
Reggie sure got some exercise he is so tired he is lying in front of our cook stove and practically sleeping peacefully. This isn't a very long post...sorry.....
Kaylee and Reggie ***

Chocolate Chip Cookies...
2 cups butter
2 cups sugar
4 eggs
2 tsp vanilla
5 cups flour
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp salt
2 cups chocolate chips
2 cups oats
Cream butter,sugar and eggs, vanilla together add dry mixture to creamed,drys onto ungreased cookie sheet,
bake at 350 degree's for 10 to 15 minutes.... Bonn appetite
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Almost The Weekend...

I did schoolwork for a very long time this morning. I did a science project and it was soooo disgusting. I went outside and I got some clay out of the ground and then Mom put some water and I put my hand in the mud and then had to mush it up to soft clay. I hate to say this but I kinda sounded like a city girl because I asked Mom if this would wreck my skin and would it hurt my finger nail and she said its okay.
After my science I went and had to wash my hands in a mud puddle. It was sooo COLD I almost died. I washed my hands inside because Mom wanted me to rinse my hands outside. I did another page in science then went outside and I had fun with the horses. I brush them out and sometimes I ride Chico and teach him on the ground all instructions so then when I am up on him he knows exactly what I mean.
I played with with Tyrell in Darcy's camper for a bit and Jesse came here for some supper and now we are just visiting... I am going to have some rice ;)
Kaylee and Reggie***

Sunday, April 4, 2010
What A Wonderful Suprise!!!