It is Income tax time! It is my job to help my dad ... Its so fun and every year I see that I am getting better at it....especially with my new adding machine that dad surprised me with last week.
I woke up to a glorious, wonderful day, the sun was shinning through the tree's, and oh it was beautiful. Dad and I did income tax all morning and all afternoon. It was my job to add up the GST (Good Services tax) and the subtotal.
With the new calculator I can say it was so easy, much easier than before. I print off the totals and tear the paper and then we staple it to the receipts. Dad said it was an investment.
I vacuumed and made a nice hot fire. Mom was making Basmati Brown Rice. And I like to tell you it was really good people all over the world eat it all the time.
I played some 1100 centry games on my computer and looked my favorite blogs. We watched the Waltons and we had some popcorn with some Kraft Dinner cheese packet sprinkled on and it was crunchy tasty and the most pleasant kind of treat to watch movies. Bye Bye for today*********Kaylee and Reggie