Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Saturday Again?!?!?

Its Saturday Again and I can't believe it. Yesterday Jesse and Darcy came for out Friday supper and that was fun. The stove was so hot it wasn't even funny. It was 400 degrees and we were all sweaty. I will tell you a funny story. When we first came up here everyone was outside working while I was in here cleaning and cooking some supper. Mom put big logs on and so did I.

The stove was at 600 degrees ( can you imagine that!!!) and so then I went on the deck and Mom came and said that I should stop being silly. Mom was laughing when she came in here she said that it was really hot and I wasn't reacting at all. Today when I got up right before I had some breakfast the Halidays came for a bid. Us kids played Monopoly.

I went outside and put some ear drops in all the cats ears because they have an ear ache and plus inside it was all bloody and gross. I fed all the cats and they loved it. Later on I went inside and read my book. It was a nice book. It was so sad, Elsie's friend died.

Darcy cane up with the car and I made some Kraft Dinner and it was good. Later on Darcy, Tyrell and I went out for a walk.

Kaylee and Reggie

Keep forgetting to post it... Ha ha

3rd Day Of The Week

Its the 3rd day of the week and I can't believe it!!!... Tomorrow is going to be our town day. We are thinking about going swimming instead of skating because skating is over. In sewing I am making a baby blanket and I think I should be done this week I hope. After the baby blanket I was thinking of making a shirt or something. On with today....

Today I got up and guess what we slept in that's because we went to bed very late. Yesterday we went to Jesse's and I did laundry and we watched a movie with Darcy and did the dishes. I had some cereal and its was good. Later on I cleaned the cabin. Washed dishes, vacuumed, and clearing the table. After vacuuming my arm was sore.

I got lots of snow and Tyrell and the pot was full to the brim. I played Monopoly with Tyrell and guess what!!! I own Park Place and Boardwalk and that's the most expensive one there is, plus I have 2 houses so look out!!! I was poking my mouth with my fingers and guess what!!! I was feeling my silver tooth that the dentist put on and guess what!!! I put pressure on and it went onto the monopoly game board. It was so cool.

A few days I was watching the Walton's and I pulled out the tooth also. I have a huge gaping space in my mouth and plus there is also a wiggly tooth that is beside the gaping space and so then I will soon pull that out but my mouth is in to much pain. I am growing my twelve year old molars right now and its growing in all places and plus all the teeth that are lost and growing so I can't wait till all of the teeth are all done growing.

I helped Mom make supper because Dad and Mom were outside building a green house. I did the meat loaf and peeling potatoes and keeping the fire going. Jesse came up with his sled and right now we are visiting. I don't know if he is going to stay for supper. He probably is I think.

I read Alise's blog and I hear that Ardene's warehouse is open so I heard. I am going to ask my Mom if we can go there. So excited!!!!!

Kaylee and Reggie