Tyrell and I did some schoolwork. I lost my science and my social studies. It is a printed papers with questions. And you would think living a small cabin you wouldn`t clean up as much and loosing stuff. Well guess not because that seems like we do dishes almost every other day.
I focused on some math and I needed Dad`s help to help me do long division. I like math but I have trouble sometimes with it. Later on Dad left and went outside to do the cows and doing farm stuff.
Later on I found my social studies and my science and some other book I lost apparently. Tyrell and I decided to surprise Mom by making the bed,clearing off the table, doing dishes,vacuuming and clearing off the island.
I just finished up vacuuming and right now I am done washing a load of dishes and now on the other part of the dishes. It is so clean in here I don`t want to even have a speck of dust in here. Yesterday you heard there was a party so there is lots of dishes. Although for eating cake and pie we used paper plates.
Well on to the next batch of dishes...
Kaylee and Reggie

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