What a wonderful Saturday I could have asked for...
Today we were having our breakfast outside instead inside because who wants to make a nice hot fire inside when its a beautiful day.Megan my sister wanted some birds around the campfire and ground and so then she pout lots of bird feed around the tree;s. We made some eggs on toast and some left over food from last night.
Well guess what Megan got her birds around the camp fire. So much so the birds were pooping on everyone. Even Reggie my Dog!!! Our neighbours came up for a get together and that was really nice to see them. We went for a bike ride and then we had a look at Gracie`s Pond.
The boys were throwing rocks near the water where we were and we got all wet. Later we had a hot dog roast and that was fun I couldn`t finish my hot dog so I set it aside. We all played some soccer and I was on Logan's team and so with Tyrel and the twin girls. We were against Tyrell and Shane.
Guess what!!! bird pooped on me when I was sitting on the chair near the fire and then all of a sudden it pooped on me and of coarse I freaked out for you who know me you can picture me screaming. Later in the evening the birds pooped on my zipper shirts and oh was that so disgusting and it was soo close to my face.
Later I roasted up a nice hot dog and I ate it and I was soo close of done and right when I was going to chomp down and it landed right on my hot dog and on my hand. I freaked out again like usual. Tyrell and the boys were laughing at me so hard, me on the other hand was so grossed out.
Well Megan,Darcy and I went down the mountain well hardly for some reason I didn't have the energy.Well I am going to go to bed pretty soon...
Kaylee and Reggie***