Moniet ( the horses name) was running and it felt like I was riding or floating with the wind. I put Reggie in his kennel while I was riding and he did not like it. I was thinking of him putting him in a saddle bag when I go riding. When I came back Dad was putting up a satellite so that we can have Internet. Tyrell and I played monopoly for a very long time and then we decided to go horseback riding again.
Moniet was being weird so we rode her for a little bit and then we went back inside. We bought lots of cheese and plus Megan got some cheese from Jesse's place so we got like 3 blocks of cheese. I grated some up and then Mom took over. Mom made some chip dip and so we had that and it was so good. I am just about going to watch Julie and Julia so tata...
Kaylee and Reggie 

(yesterdays post forgot to post it)