Ah today is Wednesday. The weekend goes by so fast. Soon we will start our town days again next week because all you know of me sewing and playing the piano.
Today I got up and had some eggs on toast then got dressed. It was snowing again so we stayed inside and made a fire and I read a book. Its a pretty good book if I say so myself.
We stayed in the cabin for a bit then we did the goats and then we rode the horses. It was so fun but Moniet was being a cow. She would body check me and its so not fun.
I went inside and made a nice hot fire and then made a pot of tea for Mom and Dad. I made them eggs on toast while Mom was on the computer and then I washed the dishes and then watched Corner Gas with Tyrell.
I played monopoly with Tyrell and we played for a long time!!!! Now we have all hotels on each peace of land. Tyrell was getting broke and kept getting in debt to be even though you has like way more hotels then me.
That's pretty much it besides playing on the computer and stuff... (this is Saturday's post)
Kaylee and Reggie
(yesterdays post forgot to post it)
I`m mushing up the bananas
Bon Appetite!
We got back from Jesse’s place ( my brother). Mom and Dad dropped me off at Jesse’s while they were getting the goats. I did the laundry and did his dishes. When Mom and Dad had arrived we got all nice and settled in.
When they got the goats all nice and tied up, I am not so sure they were that happy to be home.They were enjoying travelling the countryside. Well they were taste testing all the neighbours shrubs and apple trees. Why would they be happy about plain old hay?
We arrived home to the cabin late that evening ,with a nice chicken in a pot, we had found in my brothers fridge. I love to be the one to get the cook stove fired up. Tyrell had cut me all the kindling I needed and mom put all my favorite spices on and the wonderful smell of roast chicken filled the cabin a very short time.
I took Reggie for a walk and he loved it. I needed some snow to wash dishes because we don’t want to waste our good drinking water just for washing.
I am watching Corner Gas (its a really good show) and Tyrell is watching Daniel Boone ( it is really really old and corny show) Dad is playing on the computer and guess what!!!! He’s playing Scrabble.
Well, until tomorrow dear friends….good day and just remember girls you don’t have to melt snow to wash your dishes.