Its the 3rd day of the week and I can't believe it!!!... Tomorrow is going to be our town day. We are thinking about going swimming instead of skating because skating is over. In sewing I am making a baby blanket and I think I should be done this week I hope. After the baby blanket I was thinking of making a shirt or something. On with today....
Today I got up and guess what we slept in that's because we went to bed very late. Yesterday we went to Jesse's and I did laundry and we watched a movie with Darcy and did the dishes. I had some cereal and its was good. Later on I cleaned the cabin. Washed dishes, vacuumed, and clearing the table. After vacuuming my arm was sore.
I got lots of snow and Tyrell and the pot was full to the brim. I played Monopoly with Tyrell and guess what!!! I own Park Place and Boardwalk and that's the most expensive one there is, plus I have 2 houses so look out!!! I was poking my mouth with my fingers and guess what!!! I was feeling my silver tooth that the dentist put on and guess what!!! I put pressure on and it went onto the monopoly game board. It was so cool.
A few days I was watching the Walton's and I pulled out the tooth also. I have a huge gaping space in my mouth and plus there is also a wiggly tooth that is beside the gaping space and so then I will soon pull that out but my mouth is in to much pain. I am growing my twelve year old molars right now and its growing in all places and plus all the teeth that are lost and growing so I can't wait till all of the teeth are all done growing.
I helped Mom make supper because Dad and Mom were outside building a green house. I did the meat loaf and peeling potatoes and keeping the fire going. Jesse came up with his sled and right now we are visiting. I don't know if he is going to stay for supper. He probably is I think.
I read Alise's blog and I hear that Ardene's warehouse is open so I heard. I am going to ask my Mom if we can go there. So excited!!!!!
Kaylee and Reggie 

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